Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Motivation

I loved this quote I saw on a friends Face Book page. Thank you Victoria Hunt for a great quote. I hope some of you enjoy it as much as I did!

"Knowing is not enough; you must apply. Willing is not enough, you must do"

Now....go out and do!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

** Project 52 ** A Picture A Week

So, I'm kinda taking the actual Project...which is supposed to be 365 Project and revising it. I've wanted to do this ever since I read about it, but I need to be real with myself and not set my self up to fail. With time being pretty limited these days, I thought my revision would be manageable and prepare me for the actual real project when I have more time. The idea is to help you become a better photographer and make you think outside your normal box. So stay tuned this week, you'll see my 1st picture!